General John J. Pershing Impression

“…As I was collecting Great War artifacts I wanted to be able to tell the story of each item to any audience who would listen but wanted to wear the correct uniform. My quest to locate a uniform that I would wear (and I am not a big person) was a challenge. Reproductions were not readily available, but at a military show I found an officer’s uniform that would work, so my kit began.
I have been asked how I came to portray General Pershing. For many years I did not have a mustache. On a whim I let it grow. While doing an event I was called ‘Pershing,’ but I did not think anything about it! A short time later a copy of Military History arrived, and I’m on the cover. No, it was not me, but Black Jack. The resemblance was uncanny. ‘Here’s your sign’ came to mind. OK, be a ‘Six Star General’. I have had the honor of keeping his legacy alive at many events and hope to continue to do so.”